Friday, May 13, 2011


"He loved us when we had no beauty to attract his attention." ~David Clarkson

I had a great conversation about compliments with a friend a few days ago and, at some point, he was talking about how all girls struggle with appearance. Initially, my thoughts went something like: “I don’t need compliments. I’m perfectly fine with the way that I am.” And, all of two seconds later, my conscious retorted with: “Then why do you like compliments?” All self-assurance and pride aside, I do struggle with appearance and I’m pretty sure that everyone else does too. We want to be attractive and beautiful and noticeable. And God did create us to enjoy and desire beauty. However, that desire, like every other desire, can lead us astray when it consumes us too fully. I've often witnessed girls seeking to change themselves so that they appear more attractive to their latest guy interest. First, how awesome is it then to be pursuing Christ? He has already shaped us into exactly what he wants us to be. Second, how incomprehensibly marvelous is it that Christ still continues to pursue us after we have completely marred the beautiful image he gave us? We were already exactly as he wanted and we destroyed ourselves. He then ruined his perfect self and became the image we had marred so that he could continue to pursue us. He still desired us when we were hideous and corrupt in every way. "He loved us when we had no beauty to attract his attention." An even now he cotinues to change us to be more like him...It couldn't be any better...


Katie said...

incomprehensibly marvelous = this blog post :)

Cora said...

What a mind He has given you, my own granddaughter. Very, very well said.